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Laser Eyes - Day 9

"Blink completely," is advice my doctor gave me about working at a computer, post-surgery, but it keeps resonating in my brain like it's some important life lesson. I'm not sure what it means other than its literal meaning, but yes, blink completely.

Last night I woke up in a panic twice because I had unconsciously put a knuckle up to my right eye to give it a good rub. I think (I hope) I got as far as applying a gentle pressure before the higher level "you're not supposed to do that" thought processes kicked in.

Halos certainly make the city at night look more exciting.

I ordered a pair of cheap glasses with flat lenses so that I can, if desired, be the 'old Fuzzy' every now and then.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 22, 2007 10:52 AM.

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