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March 23, 2003

Reason #72 to Support Gilda's Club

If you weren't one of the dozen lucky people in the audience at the LAUGH benefit this morning at 10 am, then you missed Bare doing our whole show in nothing but a pair (each) of Sirens-logoed boxer shorts.

Jackie Stone said she'd give Shaun $10 if we did it, and we're never ones to pass up an easy ten-spot (even if we have to spend twice that to buy boxer shorts from the merch table).

After a while, I forgot we weren't wearing hardly any clothes. We were doing our "Pagaent of History" show, with the suggestion of "Stalin" and it was tricky enough to keep track of the actual details of Stalin's life and our invented history and what I (wasn't) wearing sort of fell by the wayside.

Posted by Fuzzy at March 23, 2003 11:38 PM